Thursday, January 31, 2008

More real food

The white spots are gruel! Don't they look proud of themselves!!

Real food

The puppies ate their first meal tonight. It consisted of gruel in goat milk. Yummy! Until today, they got all their nutrition by nursing. They were all very interested in eating semi-solid food, particularly Tegan. As you can see, they made a mess, sliming the food all over each other and themselves. After the pups had all they wanted, Delilah gladly cleaned their bowls. The rosebuds washed the gruel down with a bit of mother's milk and then fell fast asleep.
Now that their eyes are open (Willy was last, he opened his eyes yesterday), the puppies are much more mobile and are beginning to explore their surroundings. They aren't playing with each other yet, but that should happen soon. Each day will bring new adventures for them. Tomorrow we will put newpaper in their pen so that they can start learning bathroom manners.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Finally another one opens his eyes

When I checked earlier today, none of the boys had opened their eyes. This evening, Benny was walking around like a little drunk and when I lookeded, sure enough, both of his eyes were open. It looks like the other boys should follow soon, then watch out, they'll all be on the move and getting into mischief!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tegan opens her eyes!!

Both of Tegan's eyes are open today!

Introductions Please!

Thanks to Rob for creating this blog!

Delilah (Abbeyrose Pure Delight) was bred to Kirkwood Aragorn (Spencer) and delivered five beautiful puppies on January 17th. The four boys are Abbeyrose Braveheart (Willy), Abbeyrose Trail Blazer (Blaze), Abbeyrose Terra Bene (Benny), and Abbeyrose Red Clay (Clay). The only girl in the litter is Abbeyrose Tegan (Tegan).

Delilah's 1st Litter

Here are the pic's from Saturday's visit. Enjoy !

Abbey Rose Blogspot Created

Celebrating the arrival of Delilah's first litter of Welsh Terrier puppies, the AbbeyRose family council agreed to establish this blogspot.

Updating this 'web log' from time to time visitors will be able to share the experience by viewing pictures, whelping log updates, along with Mary & Pam's message of the day.

Supporters of the AbbeyRose community are invited to post their comments, input and insights as well.

Welcome ... and enjoy as we share the journey !